In our experience the best way to track whether the work-from-home talent is working or not is to focus on the output/deliverables. Another way is to put in place trackers that make sense for your business/function and that will help you look at the input effort that goes in. Regular reviews or catch-ups with your team also reveal a lot on the effort that is put in.
On our part, we will provide low-touch management tools such as time-trackers to ensure you have a good sense of the hours that are going in.
But most importantly, the remote talent we give you will have been vetted through our rigorous selection process, not just for skills but also for parameters such as time availability, commitment, work-ethic. Hiring right is the biggest enabler to business results, far superior than tracking & monitoring.
While this may be the first time you are hiring remotely, rest assured that you will be joining a growing number of businesses that have reaped huge benefits from it. They have been able to hire from experienced pools such as qualified women and skilled experts who prefer to work flexibly as a life choice; who with their industry experience will help you grow your business while taking up fewer company resources. Whether it is blended teams (where some team members are in office, while others work remotely) or fully-remote teams, the productivity remains optimal with the right talent on your side.
Apart from this, we take full talent responsibility, and if there is a problem, we will try and resolve it with you and in the remote likelihood that it not able to be resolved, we will provide a replacement free of cost