Want Amazing Marketing Talent to GROW your business?
Yes, but how
Many of you will answer that question in the affirmative. Who doesn’t want good marketing, which not only creates a unique voice for you, but also by creating awareness & visibility gets you business.
But isn’t marketing talent expensive? Yes. And rightly so. Branding, positioning, consumer insights mapping, all tried and tested concepts in the marketer’s toolbox, don’t come easily. It takes years of working with brands - doing research, deciding strategy, executing campaigns, tracking results, and feeding them back to step 1 - to develop an instinct for it. This instinct is nothing but experience, and experience should be able to command a premium - especially when it comes to functions like marketing which are process driven and subjective at the same time.
Experience should be able to command a premium. But then, how do startups and other resource-strapped businesses hire this kind of talent?
“The solution is flexible hiring i.e. hiring the talent part-time that enables you to get high quality professionals at affordable pricing.”

In fact, we have placed professionals in various marketing roles where not only was flexibility a means to get the talent at affordable models, but also a necessity. Some of these examples are as below -

Global FMCG entering India wanted Personal Care Marketer to create & execute launch strategy. The work needed was only for 20-40 hours of work per month.

FMCG MNC facing head-count freeze wanted to hire a B2B Customer Marketer on contract for around 100 hours of work per month

Global Health-Tech start-up wanted Market Research professional to evaluate ‘Impact’.
The scope entailed 100 hours per month for a 3 month contract.
The scope entailed 100 hours per month for a 3 month contract.

BoP focused Health start-up wanted Content Strategist to develop ‘habit change’ app Content. The work needed was for around half the time of a full-time resource.
There are many other examples, that include Digital Marketing, SEO, PR, Branding and others as the marketing and marketing affiliated functions we have placed via flexible models.
Not sure we need marketing talent
Well, if the answer to the key question this article poses is a ‘No’ or a ‘Not sure’, i.e. you don’t think you need marketing talent, then it is possible you may be right - IF you as founder yourself are a marketing professional or have someone in the team who is OR if your startup is really early stage and the need of the hour is to drum up sales to test and optimise your models.
BUT if you have crossed that stage, and raring to expand beyond just outreach channels to get your leads, then marketing is a must.

The power of a brand is the difference between Vaseline and Veseline, the latter exists only because the former has brand pull. For your startup it can be the difference between leads and quality leads, between the need for a disproportionately large lead generation team and one that is balanced with content marketers and content developers, between a steep BD funnel and one that has better conversion rates, and between your business being perceived as a service provider versus a game-changer. Marketing not only ensures you get incoming leads but also that you build a brand, you are known to represent something valuable; a snack-box delivery service can elevate itself into a brand that stands for ‘nutrition made easy’ or ‘adding variety to life’, which sticks in consumers’ minds, differentiated from their competition.
We leave you with this.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions or if you want to start looking for a marketing professional/team who can help take your business to the next level. We at FlexiBees are here to make that happen.
We at FlexiBees are happy to have helped our clients, both startups and established players, meet and exceed their business goals through providing them flexible talent across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Sales, Business Development, Finance, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.