Let's Help Each Other : FlexiBees features Qandle
Today, in our series, “Let us Help Each Other,” FlexiBees features Qandle, a cloud-based, hire-to-retire HRMS platform. Through this feature, FlexiBees aims to amplify the initiatives start-ups are taking to make the best of the situation during COVID-19.
Qandle enables organisations to maintain their entire employee and company data in a single place while managing all tasks across the employee lifecycle seamlessly. Qandle places its focus on being mobile-first, with employee experience at the forefront.
Additionally, Qandle provides rich visual dashboards and reporting capabilities to enable better decision-making across the organisation.

The Qandle story began when founders Chayan Mukhopadhyay and Himanshu Aggarwal came together in 2017. They bring a rich experience to the table ranging from marketing and strategy, running a successful startup, digital transformation and software development between them.
With Corona pandemic forcing cities into lockdown with most businesses now working from home, the Qandle team decided to launch a comprehensive Remote Work Toolkit ( https://www.qandle.com/remote-work-toolkit.html) with features that let organisations better manage, track, guide and engage their remote teams.
The toolkit which can be setup effortlessly and made live within a couple of days, covers various aspects of remote work. One can manage everything easily through this from internal communication and work/time tracking to performance management and employee support one can manage all.
It even empowers human resource managers (HRs) to recognise excellent performance, share and sign documents securely, launch pulse polls, track progress of objectives and more while working remotely.
This initiative is the brainchild of Qandle’s Akhil, Pradeep and Himanshu.
FlexiBees has provided companies, both startups and established players, with part-time talent for many projects and roles; across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Inside Sales, Business Development, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. Many of these have converted to ongoing roles (also part-time) with everyone being satisfied with the arrangement.
So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.