Let's Help Each Other : FlexiBees features Patients Engage
Imagine a happy family, you know the picture-perfect one you see on hallmark postcards. Now, imagine the dad gets sick with a chronic illness, that needs day-to-day care. The family is scampering around for information on how to help him and what therapies to consider. Of course, the internet is the place to look. It definitely has a lot of answers yet it also throws up a lot of questions! There are too many sources, opinions, and forms of medication and therapy suggested; and one doesn’t know which ones to trust and what to choose. And most of them are tailored for the western world and not for an Asian audience. Will it be the same in India? Is it even available?

Today, FlexiBees is featuring, PatientsEngage, who have solved this very same problem. PatientsEngage is an online platform focused on evidence-based and holistic management of chronic conditions and disabilities, from the perspective of patients and caregivers. On their website, one can talk to other patients and caregivers who have dealt with similar issues, and get information on not just how successful a particular therapy was (read successful survivor stories), but also the complications and side-effects it might involve and how one can deal with it. One can also access curated lived experiences of many such patients before making an informed choice.
PatientsEngage is the brainchild of Aparna Mittal and R.Venkatanathan who are the alumni of IIM, Calcutta. Aparna has 25 years of experience in the field of Information Technology Industry working across multiple sectors while Venkatanathan is also an alumnus of IIT, Madras with 25+ years of experience as a banker.
With Coronavirus making everyone fearful about visiting a hospital for any concern, PatientsEngage worked on a few channels to provide more information to demystify the fear around it. They ran a series of webinars in English and Hindi to address the concerns of patients and caregivers groups on how to handle the challenges of managing chronic conditions and co-morbidities during the pandemic and how to seek treatment and care. They discussed pertinent issues like the availability of drugs, delays in treatments, concerns on immunity, and challenges of transportation during the lockdown. They also talked about dealing with mental health issues and worries and anxieties around COVID-19. The webinars were led by senior healthcare professionals and various local patient groups, patient leaders, and advocates.
They also ran a 10 language series with Kidney Warriors Foundation for Chronic Kidney Disease patients struggling with changing dialysis protocols and transport challenges.
To know more, visit their website today: https://www.patientsengage.com/
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