Let's Help Each Other : FlexiBees features MAKERDEMY
In our “Let us Help Each Other” series, today, FlexiBees features MAKERDEMY, a portal whose mission is to bring about a “maker revolution” in India through it’s online courses on maker technologies.Through this series FlexiBees aims to amplify the initiatives start-ups are taking to thrive in times of COVID-19.

MAKERDEMY ( https://makerdemy.com) is an online portal which offers courses on maker technologies like Internet of Things, 3D Printing, and Artificial Intelligence. The idea is to motivate Indian students and engineers to become creators and builders who can proudly develop products for the world. The team wants to make “Made in India, Made for the World,” a reality on a large scale.
This creative initiative is founded by Venkatesh Varadachari who is an alumnus of IIM Bangalore and is passionate about maker technologies and their power in shaping the future positively.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, conventional classroom education has come to an abrupt halt. That is why the team has decided to offer two of its premium courses for free for learners across the world from April till June 2020. The two courses are:
Introduction to Raspberry Pi 4: Originally priced at $195 for college students and working adults. You can access it for free till June 30, 2020! Click the link below to go to the course:
Introduction to Micro Bit: Created for school children and originally costing $195 they can access it for free till June 30, 2020 here:
Since April 2020 over 25,000 students worldwide have benefited from this initiative. This is a team-inspired initiative.
So what are you waiting for? Head to MAKERDERMY and polish your skills sitting at home for free!
FlexiBees has provided companies, both startups and established players, with part-time talent for many projects and roles; across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Inside Sales, Business Development, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Technology, Content Development, Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to businesses trying new approaches, strategies, MVPs, etc, part-time and project-based talent, that are high-quality and affordable, can help.
If you have a role requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will try our best to fulfil it for you, quickly and to your satisfaction.