Let's Help Each Other : FlexiBees features LoglQids
Continuing with our endeavor to amplify the initiatives start-ups are taking to survive and thrive in times of COVID-19, today, in our series, “Let us Help Each Other,” FlexiBees features LogIQids.
LogIQids ( www.logiqids.com) is an online platform designed to develop logical reasoning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in kids from Sr KG to Class 9. Its gamified worksheets are educative and fun at the same time. The worksheets help enhance various critical skill-sets like critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. It is India’s first company to formally introduce Logical Reasoning in the curriculum with a mission to inculcate an inquisitive mindset in children so that kids learn to observe and question the why and how of everything rather than just accepting them as is.
It is founded by two IIT-IIM alumni Mikin Lala and Sumit Agarwal, both former Investment Bankers with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

After observing firsthand the education ecosystem in our country through their own kids, they realized that reasoning as a skill is not directly addressed in the school curriculum and most students resort to rote learning. Since both of them considered reasoning aptitude to be of utmost importance in a student / candidate which also determines future professional success they decided to do something about it. This eventually led to the birth of LogIQids.
Due to the lockdown, children are stuck at home with most of them playing video games and watching movies or cartoons, thus increasing their unproductive screen-time. Schools are trying but many of them are finding it difficult to effectively switch over to online teaching methods in such a short time frame. In order to help schools and parents find productive use of the children’s time during this unscheduled break, LogIQids have offered 20 online worksheets, free of cost, to all their existing as well as new users.
FlexiBees has provided companies, both startups and established players, with part-time talent for many projects and roles; across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Inside Sales, Business Development, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. Many of these have converted to ongoing roles (also part-time) with everyone being satisfied with the arrangement.
So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.
So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.