Let's Help Each Other : FlexiBees features Authentic Food Stories
Food makes the world go round – well, right after love! Most social media handles are choc-a-bloc with people turning chefs in this lockdown. But there are some who must be on their own or tired or looking for a break from the kitchen. So today FlexiBees decided to feature Authentic Food Stories, just for such occasions! The brainchild of Savy, an IIM Bangalore alumnus, AFS is a platform for home chefs to provide authentic, traditional and regional food!

Authentic Food Stories (www.facebook.com/authenticfoodstories) brings these dishes straight from the kitchen to the table of discerning clients, at the same time giving these home chefs a new purpose in their lives! The dishes can be ordered for daily lunch and dinner, as well as for special occasions like birthday parties, any puja at home, or just a get together with family and friends.
With the scare of the Corona virus making everyone take double measures to ensure safety, AFS is also doing its bit to ensure clients are protected. They have initiated a number of measures such as:
Personal pick up from home chef and delivery within Goregaon, to give more assurance to the clients.
Recrafting of the daily menu - adding more wholesome items for lunch like a thali everyday, introducing more snacks and desserts.
Creating a separate baking section to provide birthday cakes and bakery items from home bakers.
Reassuring messages to the clients on safety and sanitisation measures every week.
Follow up after order for feedback – increased from 80% earlier to 90% now.
Before empowering these home chefs Savy worked in the corporates for over 22 years with multinationals like WPP and Unilever in four different countries!
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