How a Content Marketer can help GROW your Business
Content Marketing is all the rage, and rightly so.
With the roti-kapda-makan trifecta rapidly turning into roti-kapda-makan-internet, a phone and a data connection is all one needs to become a consumer. Of news, views, reviews, memes, polls, ads, articles, listicles, gifs, videos, etcetera - by no means an exhaustive list and every year, more get added to this mind-boggling array of formats and channels.
If you are a brand whose consumer is spending increasing amounts of time online, you would be amiss to not do Content. But just any Content will not cut it, with millions of devices beaming up billions of pieces of content today on a daily basis, your Content needs to stand out.

Hiring a Content Marketing professional is one of the best ways to ensure your Content meets and continually surpasses these standards. Content Marketing is a unique blend of Marketing with an understanding of and experience in Digital Content. These professionals will help craft a unique point of view for your brand, detail out the themes you should be speaking on, and help create and deploy the last mile content.
Here below is a quick snapshot of some of the things your Content Marketing professional will help you do.
It all starts with a Why
Let’s begin at the beginning. Based on your business objectives and the stage of growth you are at, your Content Marketer will help you decode your broad Content objectives. Different businesses would need to use it differently, ranging from community creation to lead generation to leadership positioning.
Who is it for
All Marketers, including Content Marketers, know that the one thing you cannot ever lose sight of - is your audience. It is where the Communication journey begins, and ends. In Content parlance, this means defining the target audience that you want to create and deploy the content for. In many businesses today, we interact with multiple sets of audiences, that each have some unique significance to our business. Your Content Marketer will help you marry these sets with the business objectives you are hoping to achieve and help you arrive at your key audience set. They will also help you and your teams always keep this audience set in mind during subsequent steps of development.
What do you want to say
Now this is where Content Marketing morphs into traditional Marketing, the one where one needs to unearth the consumer insight and arrive at the Key Content Theme. This insight is nothing but what your consumer or customer thinks about your product or service at a very fundamental level, and the Key Content Theme is what unlocks it to achieve your objectives.
To use FlexiBees as an example, when we were doing this exercise, we realised that for our business audiences, especially the entrepreneurs and visionaries who are building startups and are quick to adapt new practices, the fundamental truth or the consumer insight was ‘Flexible talent sounds interesting but I don’t know how it can help me’. From this stemmed our Content Theme - to inform our business audiences about the benefits of flexible talent. In marketing parlance, this is called a ‘Market Development’ task, which means that we had to build the market for flexible working in India.
During this whole exercise, we had at the back of our minds what we want to be - a company that helps businesses grow through high-quality, agile and competitive talent - that was an input into both the insight and the Content Theme.
Your Content Marketer will run this exercise for you, ask you the right questions, and apply relevant frameworks to arrive at these conclusions.
“We had to build the market for flexible working in India.”
How do you say it
Now this is where the fun begins. The same theme can be communicated in multiple ways, formats, channels and your Content Marketer will help find what works best for you.
So for us, to unlock ‘Flexible talent sounds interesting but I don’t know how it can help me’, we needed to tell our audience how exactly flexible talent could help them. We found that there were many ways to do this, for example, we could talk about the benefits of hiring part-time talent, we could showcase case studies of companies who have adopted flexible working, we could lead with snapshots of our talent profiles and do a show and tell of how exactly they are working with some of our existing clients, among many others. Over the last year or so, we have used multiple of these routes. These below are some of the assets we created this month, and to view more, you can go check out our Linkedin Page and our Website.

And this is where your Content Marketer will move into execution mode and will come to you with that fundamental Content asset - a calendar.
Arriving at this calendar too is a journey: once he or she has the sub-themes you want to communicate as detailed in the previous step, they will intersperse them with the formats that deliver these themes in the best possible way, the channels that they will be deployed on, and the timelines around it. A calendar will thus emerge.
For example, for the same theme, the Content Marketer may want to use both short snappy creatives to grab attention mid-scroll and long-form blogs to give more details and help improve your SEO and hence page rankings. These are the formats, and he or she might want to use a mix of social media and email marketing to deliver these differently to your audience, at varying frequencies. There you have it - a calendar.
Let’s create
Your Content marketer might themselves be able to create content for you, or will help on-board people who can - writers, graphic and video designers, etc. They will plan, source, hire, brief, review and implement, while also working constantly with the Digital Marketing team to optimise the Content Strategy.
Enter Digital Marketing
After you have done all of the above, and your Content has seen the light of day, your Digital Marketing team or professional should take over. They will analyse your traffic, sign-ups, leads, sources, and if you are doing paid advertising, help optimise and run it.
So here we are, and hope this was helpful. If you have got product-market fit and are looking to create awareness for yourself and drum up business, don’t hesitate to hire a good Content Marketing talent. It’s an investment you won’t regret and what’s more, if you hire from FlexiBees, you will get this amazing talent at affordable pricing via our flexible models of part-time, flexi-time, and the like.
Ciao and happy content planning!
We at FlexiBees are happy to have helped our clients, both startups and established players, meet and exceed their business goals through providing them flexible talent across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Sales, Business Development, Finance, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.